Zoo Studio Blog
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Sneak Peeks of Hemmy, Rocco and Raiden
Introducing fab fur-siblings sweet Hemmy, who is “Top Dog” (Ridgeback cross with white chest); Rocco, ‘middle child’ Ridgeback; and Raiden, black Great Dane who is not yet one. Hemmy is a real “people dogson” who loves greeting everyone at the park, and loves walking herself with her lead. She’s also very protective of her “little” brothers, Rocco and Raiden. Rocco is the family smoocher and will accept as many pats and cuddles from his parents as those gorgeous eyes will squeeze out of them. And young Raiden doesn’t quite get how big he is ….. ask his mum and dad about the tree roots that have found their way inside. Haha!! Hemmy, Rocco and Raiden, you all look picture pawfect! PS. And high-five right back at ya, Hemmy!