Zoo Studio Blog
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Animal Charity News

Full of Hope
Being a long term and proud partner of RSPCA Qld, Zoo Studio again donated its time and artistic talents to assist RSPCA Qld produce the 2018 edition of their annual Hope Calendar. Ken had a procession of feathered, furry, fluffy …. and the odd slithery ….. creatures cross the doorway of his studio for him…

Fabulous Frenchies
The French Bulldog (or “Frenchies” as they are lovingly referred to) Club of Queensland’s 2018 calendar was another labour of love for Zoo Studio. This calendar is one of many charity fundraising projects developed by the Zoo Studio Foundation which is a registered charity established by Zoo Studio. Ken photographed all the adorable superstars in…

QSAR 2018 Charity Calendar
Zoo Studio was again proud to be a part of producing the QSAR (Qld Staffy and Amstaff Rescue) 2018 Calendar. Ken donated his time to photograph each star for the calendar, which was produced in-house. Most of these stars came from a sad beginning, but all have a happy tale (and tail!!) in the end…

Santa Paws 2017
Once again this year it was all hands on deck by the Zoo Studio Team, plus a couple of intrepid volunteers (thank you very much to each of you), for RSPCA’s annual Santa Paws event. As always, the Zoo Studio Team donated their time and services on Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 November at the…

Pawtraits Coffee Table Book Launched
We have an exciting announcement, Ken and I have been dying to tell you for ages! Ten years ago on the 15th November 2006 Ken Drake embarked on a little adventure called Zoo Studio, who would have thought back then I would be sitting here writing this post today… and…. Announcing the release of our…

Zoo Studio Foundation Welcomes New Board Member
Did you know Zoo Studio established a charity in 2014? Ever since Zoo Studio was born we’ve raised money for Australian animals and causes, and the Zoo Studio Foundation was established to give us a platform and structure to support these efforts on a greater scale. We’re excited to announce we have a new director…

Zoo Studio Foundation Helps Raise $26,000 for GSD’s In Need
At Zoo Studio we are in awe of the amazing work done by rescue groups around the country, especially here in Queensland. We love to help out wherever we can, and in September 2014 we met a rescue group with whom we felt a special connection – we couldn’t resist finding some way to contribute.…

Join us for the Anti BSL Rally – July 2014
We recently posted a message on Facebook linking to a page promoting a peaceful rally on July 19th protesting against BSL. I know a lot of you dont even know what BSL is, so I thought I would write a Blog piece explaining what BSL is all about, and why we disagree so strongly with…

Zoo Studio @ RSPCA Million Paws Walk May 2014
Once again the Annual RSPCA Million Paws Walk proved to be a huge success and the Zoo Studio Team was out amongst it at three different locations across Brisbane and the Gold Coast. Each year the RSPCA holds their Million Paws Walk, Australia’s biggest dog walk to help fight animal cruelty! All the funds raised…