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Sneak Peeks of Bonnie and Poppy
These gorgeous and inseparable Cocker Spaniels will send you cock-a-hoop ….. or in their case “cocker-hoop”. Big sister, Bonnie (black and white) surely is exactly as her name suggests – such a pretty girl. And Poppy (sable roan) makes hearts pop with those gorgeous brown eyes. Bonnie is the “attention seeker” who will bring a toy to her human parents, but she then makes them chase her to get it back. Funny girl! Will you allow Poppy to get to the blue ball first this time, Bonnie? Poppy is the “I can so no wrong” sister ….. though she has devised a cunning plan to get the toys off Bonnie and hoard them all in her bed. Haha! High fives right back at you girls … and what a beautiful ‘sisterly love’ hug. Awww!
Beautiful photos of our girls. Thanks so much