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Sneak Peeks of Harriett, Henry and Hercules
Ay Chihuahua … times three!!! Introducing these adorable “H” siblings; we have big sister Harriett (white long haired), middle bro Henry (golden long haired) and baby bro, Hercules (white short haired) who are their human mama’s pride and joy. Hmmm …… a pride of Chihuahuas? Harriett is the little Princess of the trio, but is also full of love – even for strangers. Not too sure how “princess like” it is to poke out your tongue though Harriett? Haha!! Henry has been his mama’s travel companion around Europe and swings between being a “grumpy old Englishman” to King Henry. You definitely lean towards the regal side with those gorgeous big brown eyes, your maj! Hercules almost didn’t make it at birth, but check out this mighty boy now; full of fighting spirit ….. OK, and he’s the cheeky one too. But what youngest sibling isn’t? So three “H’s” for the three “H’s” …. Hip Hip Hooray!!