Zoo Studio Blog
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Sneak Peeks of Bella and Basil
Two “Bs” or not two “Bs” – that is the question! Well, they are! Introducing “B”-eautiful Bella (cream with silver Lhasa Apso) and “B”-ecoming Basil (cream and brown Shih Tzu). Bella’s adoring human family spilled the beans that she is the cheeky and mischievous one of the two, but is also a real cuddler and snuggler. Gotta love a gal with “tude”! Basil is the more shy “Little Gentleman” of the two ….. unless you are a brown paper bag! But hey, who doesn’t love the strong, silent type? Bella and Basil, you might be chalk and cheese in personality, but it’s a dead heat in the “Too Cute” category.