Zoo Studio Blog
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Full of Hope
Being a long term and proud partner of RSPCA Qld, Zoo Studio again donated its time and artistic talents to assist RSPCA Qld produce the 2018 edition of their annual Hope Calendar. Ken had a procession of feathered, furry, fluffy …. and the odd slithery ….. creatures cross the doorway of his studio for him to capture the pin-up stars of this year’s calendar. Among other statistics noted in the calendar, RSPCA Qld found 18,369 animals new homes in 2016/17 and accepted 22,860 injured or displaced wildlife in the same period. What an incredible job they do, especially being almost fully reliant on community charity. The year is still a pup (no pun intended … well, OK, just a little!) so it’s not too late to pick up a calendar; you can admire Ken’s stunning photography as you turn each month whilst helping RSPCA Qld at the same time.