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Work in Progress – RSPCA Hope Calendar 2015
Zoo Studio has been working with the RSPCA since 2007. We are very excited to be working on our latest pro-bono project with them, the RSPCA Hope Calendar 2015.
Ken has been busy out in the field capturing some wonderful shots for the calendar and we thought we would bring you a sample of what you can look forward to seeing in the 2015 version.
We have had the pleasure of photographing Chickens, Kittens, Goats, Rooster, Frogs and puppy dogs.
Oh and of course this adorable Holstein Friesian named Alastair. He was found very skinny and unwell but is now on the road to recovery and available for adoption at the RSPCA. Mo will feature in the calendar also. Mo is a Chinese Silky rooster and Ken said – “I’ve never seen a fluffier fowl”. Keep an eye out for Alastair and Mo’s friends Hagrid the Koala and Paprika aka Millie a cheeky Saanen Cross / Boer Rescue Goat that is now too available for adoption.