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Sneak Peeks of Sultan
There is magic in the air with this beautiful boy named Sultan who is a 1yo black German Shepherd. Mum always wanted a black GSD and when her and her partner finally decided to get a dog, he was the one! When they went to see a litter, there were only two boys and Sultan was the larger of the two so his Mum’s partner said they were getting him! Mum always loved the name Sultan after Jasmine’s father in the movie ‘Aladdin.’ Sultan in Aladdin was a character who was strong but had a soft spot which is the way she describes her boy. He is strong, cuddly and playful: If either of them or someone they know is sad or not feeling well, Sultan is the one who won’t leave their side and will help try and make them feel better. He is the one that stays strong so they can feel strong. He is cuddly as a big teddy bear and just wants to snuggle up to his Mum! He is very playful and he will play with his own shadow but he also loves to play with balls or squeak toys. Sultan, you certainly are a gorgeous and stunning young man and you cast a spell over all of us!