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Sneak Peeks of Brenda

Beautiful Brenda here is an almost 1yo black and white Border Collie and she got her name, as her Mum says, that it all started with her ex who called their previous dog, Margret. He came from a small town where if you wound the window down in the car and yelled, “Hey Margret!”, half the women in the town would turn around! They thought it was very amusing to call their dogs after people they have either known or human names for that reason! LOL  Mum describes Brenda as ‘perfect and magnificent’ and she adores her pretty face saying that she describes it as being ‘the sweetest piece of fruit’ that you just want to give it kisses all the time! She also has her own bed but loves to sleep anywhere and everywhere – just the way Mum loves it! Brenda is great with other dogs too. Mum loves to watch the way she greets other dogs and how gentle she is in her approach when she goes up to them. Brenda also has a favourite ‘toy’ which is part of a PVC pipe! LOL She has had this section of PVC pipe since she was a young puppy and to this day, she loves to chew on it and play with it. Brenda, you are certainly not just a pretty face but also so full of wonderful puppy personality!


  1. Wendy Lawler on 12/09/2019 at 11:57 PM

    Nothing has changed since the many years I had my magnificent Margaret photographed at Zoo Studio. You are still the best. Nobody anywhere near your stratosphere. Beautiful Brenda is simply, Beautiful Brenda. Wen.xx

    • zoo on 25/10/2019 at 10:17 PM

      Thank you sooooo much for your beautiful comment Wen. i truly appreciate it with all my heart and am so glad that you and John love your stunning art work of your absolutely gorgeous girl, Brenda! She is such a sweetheart and it was my absolute pleasure and honour to photograph her with you both. Thank you again for trusting me, and Zoo Studio to capture the essence of your gorgeous girl. She is a sweetheart and she certainly has captured my heart too! Love and hugs to you all, and of course, puppy cuddles for beautiful Brenda too! 🙂 xxx

  2. Renee Wilson on 13/09/2019 at 7:17 AM

    Beautiful photos she is a much loved puppy you can tell by her face x

    • zoo on 25/10/2019 at 10:20 PM

      She sure is Renee! Brenda is an absolutely amazing and stunning little girl who is full of personality and character and who has the sweetest puppy dog face too! Love her! – Lorraine 🙂 x

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