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Sneak Peeks of Fudge, Minnie and Sonny

These wonderful trio of English Cocker Spaniels are Fudge, Minnie and Sonny. Fudge is a 4yo tan English Cocker Spaniel and he was the family’s first Cocker Spaniel and he came to them as a puppy. He is a chilled and easygoing young man, good natured, gentle and much loved by the family. Fudge doesn’t mind a play and is very happy to be around the family and loves the couch to have a snooze on! Minnie is a 5yo black English Cocker Spaniel joined the family as a rescue and is completely different to her two brothers. Minnie is energetic and has lots of spunk and adores play time. She always wants to remind the boys that she is the ‘princess’ of the family! She is extremely affectionate and loves to be loved and she is much adored by the family. She also will lean her chin on your lap and look at you with expressions which will melt your heart! Minnie is usually found by your feet and is very much a velcro girl who just wants to be around you as much as possible! Sonny is a 2yo golden English Cocker Spaniel and has been with the family after a tough upbringing. He is a real sweetheart with a beautiful, loving nature. Sonny has imprinted on his Mum and is her shadow whenever possible. Sonny ADORES the girls and he loves a good lap that he can get on to have a cuddle. These three fur babies are totally gorgeous and definitely melt your heart!

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