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Sneak Peeks of Whinney and Brutus
The winner in this tug-o-war is not going to be the empty bottle! Haha! These fabulous British Bulldog fur-siblings, Whinney (brindle markings around her eyes) and Brutus are great pals who liven up their “parents’” lives in so many ways. Younger sister Whinney is full of beans and is the real instigator of the empty milk bottle game. She also loves her tennis balls ….. and can even smile with one in her mouth! Brutus is the “angel pup” who is always happy and cheery ……. and always has his tongue out. Too cute! Even better still, Brutus will put his paw around sister Whiney when mum or dad say “cuddles”. Check it out! Triple “awwwwws” for you Brutus! Whinney and Brutus, we definitely have “The Best of British” with you two great pups!