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Sneak Peeks of Georgie, Cassie and Abby
How laid back can one Shi Tzu be? As laid back as gorgeous Georgie that’s how. Even her tongue is relaxed. But this little girl loves to play fetch with her toys and can outstay any of her human family “throwers”. Georgie’s “cute as a button” little fur-sister, Cassie (Chihuahua) is the “yin” to Georgie’s “yang” …. she’s the cheeky one who looks so sweet and innocent …. but her human family wouldn’t have her any other way. The “Old Lady” of the house is 13yo Abby, the Ragdoll with the stunning blue eyes. WOW!! This regal looking girl loves to be in the thick of things to get as much attention as possible lavished upon her. Who could resist you, Abby? I’m sure not her human dad whom she’ll wait for at the back door when he gets home. Purrfectly adorable!! Three glamorous and gorgeous girls!