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Sneak Peeks of Meeko and Paisley

Fur siblings … or “fluff siblings” in this case … Meeko (Pomeranian) and Paisley (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel) sure get the Cute-ometer ticking over.  Older bro, Meeko, is giving his toy a bit of attention, but he loves receiving attention too; he even pulls your hand closer to him with his paw.  Awww! Bet you don’t have to do that often, Meeko?  One look at that smiling face would ensure a pat or cuddle every time!  Young Paisley, not yet one, is a playful, happy and loving girl …. and isn’t she loving her cardboard roll?  Her human parents have let on that Paisley likes to jump on their heads to be part of a hug ….. you’ve heard of a leap of faith? Well, Paisley is showing you her “leap of hug”.  Delightful Duo, Meeko and Paisley!
blenheim cavvy with honey coloured pomeranianhoney male pomeranian chewing on soft toyfluffy head tilting golden pomeranian boycavalier king charles spaniel chewing carboard rollflying ears flapping blenheim cavvy

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