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Sneak Peeks of Gracie

Amazing Gracie, how sweet thou art!  And what a fur flyin’ ears-a-flappin’ joyous leap that just makes you smile right back in return.  Dressed to impress, Gracie is a Toy Poodle Bichon Frise cross who loves to play … and doesn’t Mr Stuffed Toy know it!  Go Gracie!!  And behind that oh-so-sweet smile, rumour has it that Gracie can be “a bit sneaky” at times, especially when it comes to sussing out food that she might be able to steal.  Haha!  You are a Gorgeous Gal Gracie and make sure you continue to keep your human family on their toes!
happy smiling black poodle crossleaping ears flapping black poodle crossblack poodle cross romping with toy teddyhead tilting black poodle crossblack poodle cross with red bow in hair

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