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Sneak Peeks of Patsy

Look, up in the sky!  Is it a bird?   Is it a plane?  No, it’s SUPER PATSY!!  What a gorgeous combination of excitement and adorableness is young Golden Labrador gal, Patsy.    As you can see in those heart-melting eyes and infectious smile, Patsy’s very soft-hearted and always ready to please.  This social butterfly also acts at the welcome committee at the dog park.  Awww!!  Patsy’s smitten (and who can blame them?) human parents have so much to love about her; from her happy-go-lucky personality, to her playfulness, and especially her back-arching, bum wriggle when Patsy “invites” them for a play.  You are a Perfect Pooch, Pretty Patsy!

golden labrador leaping with joy for green toyheart-melting look from golden labradorbig smile from golden labradoradorable over the shoulder look from golden labradorrelaxed and soulful golden labrador girl

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