Zoo Studio Blog
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With COVID-19 taking first place in the media, it seems so long ago that our country was engulfed in flames and Australians were banding together to help save our nation, its people and its beautiful wildlife. Yet, it was only the beginning of this year and not so long ago. We haven’t forgotten and our…
8 Toxic materials dangerous to our feathered friends (birds)
Birds are such amazing creatures and they can give so much joy with their beautiful singing, their whistles and especially when taught to speak. I love hearing the sound of the cockatoos when they fly over our house almost every morning. Their screeching is music to my ears. It makes me think they’re all having…
Why we love to help save Australia’s wildlife
As a pet photographer, wildlife has always fascinated me. In particular, our unique and individual Australian wildlife always took me on a journey thinking about how they survived, what they did, where they slept, how they slept and most importantly, who looked after them. Growing up in Victoria, as a young child, I can remember…