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Sneak Peeks of Zedd
Zedd is a precious 17yo Seal Point Siamese cross and he came into his Mum’s life just over 10 years ago as a rescue as his first Mum had passed away. As he had quite a feisty personality, he needed a very special home where he could be the king. Mum decided to take Zedd into her home to ensure that he would be safe and straight away he made her home his very own kingdom! Zedd has a lot of spunk and cattitude when he wants to and has always kept his Mum on his toes! He is confident and knows who he is and will happily let you know when he isn’t happy! In his older years, Zedd has mellowed some and is still very adorable but he knows that he is still royalty! He still loves to have a bit of play time here and there and he LOVES scrunched up balls of paper and is easily amused by these! One thing that doesn’t bore this young man is puppies! Zedd does not like them at all and he will definitely let his Mum know that he is not amused if there is one nearby! He has never been one of these cats who is terrified of new places and things and whenever he is taken somewhere, he will just simply stroll out of his carrier once the door is open. You are very regal and noble indeed, Zedd, and you have certainly enchanted all of us!
Zedd looks even more beautiful in the photos above. He looks to be quite the charmer. I love the story of his life too.
Zedd is an absolutely gorgeous feline who has so much personality and charm. He knows those stunning blue eyes will make hearts melt and he knows how to ‘work the camera!’ lol He’s a born natural and an absolute pleasure to photograph. Fell in love with this gorgeous feline friend, that’s for sure! 🙂 Lorraine xx