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Sneak Peeks of Issy and Alf

Many happy returns to Shar Peis  Issy (lilac) and Alf (cream)!  Yes, you are correct, you have seen this delightful duo before.  Younger fur-sis Issy and fur-bro Alf graced this page several years ago, but don’t seem to have aged a day (hmmm – maybe having wrinkles is a good thing for perennial youth??).  Issy is still being the cheeky little sister to Alf ….. who takes her antics in his tolerant stride.  But they adore each other.  Issy is also a water babe … loves the beach and going for a swim.  Alf prefers to hang with his dad and follows him everywhere …. and loves his snuggles and cuddles.  Pretty snappy dresser there too Alf!  Issy and Alf, you are the sharpest Shar Peis and thank you for coming back to brighten our day!
shar pei fur siblings lilac girl and cream boysmiling lilac female shar peicream shar pei boy wearing a beaniestanding to attention lilac shar pei girlsnappy dresser boy shar pei in his pyjamas


  1. Kate Torkington on 18/07/2018 at 4:57 PM

    Ah Zoo Team you have done it again. We love,love,love the sneak peaks. Dave is wrapt with the one of his boy in his beany. Cannot wait to see the rest on Saturday. Ken, you have the patience of a saint and dog whisperer genes!

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