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Sneak Peeks of Scara and Sarg

Wow!  These two certainly put the “Great” into Great Dane!  Scara (black) is older fur-sister to (fawn) Sarg (short for Sergeant), who is not even a year old yet.  Well, Sarg, you sure live up to your name, getting everyone’s ATTEN-SHUN! with that handsome face and playful romp with your toy.  Sarg’s human parents love that he’s their home’s “official greeter” which always reaps him rewards of lots of pats.  Scara is just a “gentle giant” who is very much her mama’s girl ….. though you’d be hard pressed to ever find a “giant” with such stunning eyes.  Scara and Sarg …. you are Great Danes, Great Dogs, and a Great Duo!!
great dane fur-siblings fawn boy and black girlfawn great dane boy running with toy in mouthshiny and sleek black great dane girllazing about fawn great dane boyplay bowing black great dane with stuffed toy in mouth


  1. Nicole Bachmann on 06/03/2018 at 4:36 PM

    Love, love, LOVE!!! Such amazing photos. Zoo studio you are the masters of your craft!

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