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Sneak Peeks of Benji, Bundy and Zorro

What a trio of fluffy cuddly fur-bros …. awww!  Older bro, Benji (Shih Tzu cross) is the official “greeter” when his human parents get home from work – how good would it be having that sweet, expressive face greet you every evening?  Middle bro, Bundy (Maltese cross) is the chilled out sibling who enjoys taking time out to “smell the roses” – we could all learn something from you Bundy!  And youngest bro, Zorro (Chihuahua), like his name, is the action guy in the fur-family.  He loves playing hide and seek under his blanket …. luckily we can see your adorable face and smile this time though Zorro!
trio of fluffy fur-siblingssweet faced shih tzuwhite and tan fluffy maltese cross malecute fur siblings cuddling together in blanketstrutting chihuahua boy


  1. Julie Hayes on 23/03/2018 at 2:49 PM

    Beautiful, can’t wait to see more tomorrow. Thank you so much for letting us have a sneak peak.

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