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Sneak Peeks of Mischief

“Gorgeousness” in a fluffy black bundle is what sweet little Mischief is, a miniature black poodle ….. or Missy as she is she is known at home.  And if an “awww” hasn’t already escaped your lips, this girl will give you the warm fuzzies ….. even fuzzier than her fabulous ears!  Missy is blind and her “seeing eye dog” at home is ….. her cat-sister, Juliette.  Awww!! (told you there was another one coming!).   Missy and Juliette do everything together, with Juliette guiding her around the house, making sure she is OK.   And Missy is always better than OK; she is acutely aware of her family’s emotions and a cuddle is always given when needed.  Missy, with your elegant pearl beads you surely are one beautiful girl, both inside and out!

fluffy eared black miniature black poodledecked out in jewels fluffy eared poodlecoy over the shoulder pose miniature black poodlestanding proud black miniature poodleblack miniature poodle in pearly necklace


  1. Julie on 20/10/2017 at 4:55 PM

    You have done such beautiful work, her eyes look wonderful. I don’t think you can call it work it is an art and beautiful talent. You have captured her so beautifully, can’t wait to see all the pictures tomorrow and then there will be some hard decisions. Thankyou Ken for the beautiful pictures

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