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Zoo Studio Tails Tales Book Launch
We held the launch party for our first book, Tales Tails, last Sunday at the Blue Room Cinebar in Rosalie, Brisbane, and we had a brilliant afternoon. We had 150 of our clients and partners with us, including dignitaries from our event sponsors Greencross Vets and Comm Bank Global Services, and of course the RSPCA Queensland.
Beck and I were totally overwhelmed by the response to our book, and to the exhibition of 40 of our photos. Everybody we spoke to was extremely generous in their praise, and so excited to see which photo of their fur kids made it into the book! We had about 5 books on display, and each one had a queue all afternoon.
One of the highlights was when we handed over a cheque for $18,000 to Mark Townend, RSPCA QLD chief executive. So far the book has raised over $20,000 with more to come, but this was a really good start! I have to say that the other highlight was definitely the cake that was made for us by Lorinda from Ideas in Icing, as you can see from the photos it was a representation of our book, it was so realistic we had to put a sign next to it asking people not to turn the pages. And yes it tasted just as good as it looks 🙂
You can see more photos of the event on our facebook page here.
We also received some fabulous press coverage from Sunday Mail and our local newpaper Westside News/
BUY YOUR OWN COPY OF TAIL TALES – Our limited edition, hard covered coffee table book “Tails Tales” is available to purchase from our website store soon.